• A2 Hosting

    A2 Hosting is your high performance web hosting provider. With an exclusive SwiftServer platform and Turbo Servers that load pages up to 20X faster than our competition, we'll help your site fly! Our range of fast hosting products vary from Shared, VPS Hosting, Cloud VPS, Managed VPS, Reseller and Dedicated servers. Our 99.9% uptime guarantee will see that your site will be visible for viewing at all times. The bundle of unique resources that our clients enjoy is immense. Just some of the services you will experience are outstanding customer support via our Guru Crew, our A2 Optimized site accelerator, developer friendly hosting and our own back up server technology, Server Rewind! We offer loads of free blogs, forums, CMSes and more available to be installed with just one click.

    Website: https://www.a2hosting.com/

    HQ Location: Ann Harbor, Michigan

    Established: 2003

    Company Size: 150 - 200

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