Membership Plan

Become a member and post a job on WPRemoteWork for Free!
Customer Opinion

Thank you! Really happy with the service and already got some quality applications coming in :)

Stefan Fischer
CEO, Quantenwerft International

Frequently asked questions


  • Highlight Ads (Light Yellow Background)

Example Regular:



  • Highlight Ads (Yellow Background)
  • Featured/Sticky for 7 days
  • Featured in Email Broadcast

Example VIP:


When submitting a job, you will need to enter the company details each time. By purchasing a membership, you can create an account with WPRemoteWork, allowing your company details to be saved for future postings. Additionally, your company name will display a verified checkmark as shown below:

To maintain the quality of our website and provide a better user experience, we limit postings to one job per day. This helps prevent a ‘spammy’ feeling for our users. If you have multiple jobs to post, you can submit them all at once, and we will schedule them to be posted one per day.

Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds. However, if you have posted one job and are not satisfied with the membership, I can help you with a 50% refund.

Fresh WordPress job opportunities
every week directly on your email

© 2024 WPRemoteWork by @rizaardiyanto


Regular (Background Color):

  VIP (Sticky & Broadcast in Email):